Saturday, August 22, 2009


Throughout history, people have hated ugly things. The ancient Greek Gorgon Medusa had the power to kill even the strongest of men by turning them to stone with a glance. My face breaks camera lenses. Things haven’t changed.

Cockroaches are my modern day Medusa. The difference, of course, is that when I look at them I don’t turn to stone. Instead, I shudder and run away, and then I come back to try and kill them but chicken out and subsequently talk to myself and cry. It’s a good thing this wasn’t Medusa’s effect on Perseus, as an essence of heroism and adventure would certainly be lost from that ancient tale of heroism and adventure.

One month after the last cockroach incident, I’m reliving the same story: I am still not good at getting rid of bugs from my apartment. I wouldn’t mind so much if it wasn’t so giant and disgusting looking, it’s just that these sorts of gross bugs cause the tag of my t-shirt to make my skin crawl.

I went to bed around 1:30am, and around two, I opened my eyes to SEE A GIANT BUG FLY IN MY WINDOW AND CLING TO MY WALL. I’m TEN FLOORS UP! I mean, really?!

It’s 3:30am, and my room has been completely rearranged. I’m too afraid to take off my moccasins in case I have to run around my room some more. My vision has been severely affected by these eye drops my doctor gave me for my cold (they make everything blurry). Even writing this is a struggle, but it’s a struggle in the heat of a moment when I am totally grossed out and in desperate need of distraction.

Throwing a textbook at the bug is not an option this time, as the bug has now planted itself near the window.

I’ve been out of bed for too long, trusty and poisonous Windex at the ready.

I should know by now that Windex is not a sufficient bug killer. My only other option is to do something like step on it. That’s so gross though!

This is the second bug in the apartment I’ve seen, but this one is different….THIS ONE HAS THE ABILITY TO FLY. It’s been sprayed with a lot of Windex though, so maybe we’re both on the same page in terms of blindness.

I’m too afraid to fall asleep. I’m too afraid to turn the lights off. If all you do is sit down to write a blog entry every time you see a bug in your room, you know you’re a big sissy…or in the very least, completely insane.

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