Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Launch - Blog 2007

I am bored.

I could have gone to the stand up comedy show around the corner from my place, but no. It’s much more fun to get drunk by yourself and write about it.

“Starting a blog” sounds like a great title to a song in a musical. It’s also what I’m doing. This kind of reminds me of when, in high school, people used to post their feelings on Xanga.

Now everyone I know posts their feelings on facebook. But really, the only way to appear cool on facebook is to not use your account at all and just let other people post pictures of you, write on your wall, and essentially write about your feelings for you. “Hey, we had a great time last night” or “You sure look like you’re having fun in this picture” or “Hope you feel better about that dead thing.” Everyone knows what you’re feeling and you didn’t even have to say anything about it. Slick. Real Slick.

But I am not cool, because I use my Facebook account everyday.

So now I have a blog. It’s in response to various emails about why I didn’t have one and felt it necessary to email people long-winded thoughts I had about things they may not have otherwise cared about. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is my first solo step into cyberspace. Sort of.


Nathan Edwards said...

welcome to the blargosphere!

Ygal Arounian said...

Are you crazy? You're totally cool. Getting drunk and posting on a blog is totally awesome.
Facebook is where it's at. What's you name, I'll poke you, you can poke me back... we'll be friends before you know it.