Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's "Wintery Mixing" Outside: A Poem

I came home from work
And I needed a nap.
So I napped.

I woke up from my nap
and needed to eat.
So I ate.

I finished eating
And decided I’d like some wine.
But I didn’t have any.

I finished eating
And in addition to some wine I also needed a bubble bath.
But I didn’t have any bubbles.
And I felt really gross after napping,
which is so typical.

I could have, of course,
Always taken a bath without bubbles…
But not before I retrieved some wine,
Because it was snowing,
And going into the cold with a wet head is
Not Smart.

But I could, of course
Have Gotten some Wine AND Bubbles
And then be set
To enjoy them both
At the same time?!

I went for some bubbles
And bubbly wine
And got mugged on the way.

That Sucked.