Saturday, January 01, 2011

Hello 2011. I'm going to own you.

New Years 2011: Bring it

The close of 2010 was faced with both badness and awesomeness. On the final day of the year, the cosmos were so in balance with themselves, every time I was struck with something that left me feeling terrible, it would soon be eradicated and replaced with a feeling of greatness. I hope the pendulum swinging from good to bad on the final day of the year is not indicative of how 2011 will go. In fact, I hope that 2011 remains mostly on the good side of the pendulum, with a heavy weight in the way to keep it from going anywhere else. I don’t even want it to slowly fell back to the middle, which is “the okay zone”.

To recap how December 31st fell upon me like a ton of bricks:

2011: Be awesome.

After a moment mourning the end of a friendship, I went to brunch and bought a book about zombies. Both were awesome. Brunch was delicious. The time is now, and only now for things to be good.

2011: Things you set in place in the past will start to be fruitful now.

Reservations at NYC’s most exclusive prohibition bar? Set.
Certificates of Completion for all of my UCB Training? Set.
A love for bingo and raves? Set.

2011: Still getting student specials at the taco place across the street.

3 dollars for 2 tacos and a soda?! You can’t beat that. Especially if you’re not really a student.

2011: The best things in life are free.

Love. Happiness. Free purses on the street from a vintage store going out of business?! Yeah, this was a good moment in the day.

2011: Roll with the punches.

My boyfriend lost the keys to our apartment, and we were locked out for a while. For 2 hours, we wandered the streets of NYC looking for the keys to our own apartment. We were homeless, and looked the part as we scanned the ground again and again for something shiny. Finally, a friend called and said they found them.

Life felt so good. Home is where I want to be. This must be the place.

2011: Resolutions.

1. Shop Less. Save for the future.
2. I need to make myself happy. Until I do that, I can’t possibly start to make others happy.
3. Create more: Jokes. Songs. I should always be in the habit of creating.
4. Cleaning out what I don’t need. This is serious quarter-life crisis mode.
5. Appreciating my family more. They’re pretty awesome, and there are always ways to show it.
6. Write my damn book.
7. Get famous.

2010 was really great. 2011 will be even better.

All the best, and Happy New Year to the five people that read my blog.
