Sunday, October 14, 2007

Today I Bought a Poem for Five Bucks

I walked past a young man on the street
with a hat
and I thought
"I'm wearing a hat too!"
Though this man on the street
with a desk and a typewriter and a sign that said
was bruised in his face, and mustached, and cold.

I didn't get a poem at first, because I needed to go find some hot dogs.
But then I got stuck at a traffic light and didn't want to wait to cross the street,
So back to the man with a hat and typewriter
I asked him to write me a poem.

It's About Hot Dogs:

flesh stick searching.
could they be in the
park, by the small wiener dogs?
could they be in the motor
shop with all the hot rods.
perhaps by the noodle stand
standing so tall.
in the buns or alone
some say they are clones.
really they could be
food for a king.
mighty and tasty to grill

or just cold.
The mighty wiener
shape of the future
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\the hot dog town.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\good luck.

By Street Poet William Chrome (wC)

1 comment:

Nathan Edwards said...

I've always wanted to be a street poet.