Saturday, June 09, 2007

Spirit Animal, Remove My Hangover

I have a Shaman acquaintance. Today, I also have a hangover. I guess my acquaintance is really a Shaman-in-training-acquaintance that I get to see maybe once every two years. His friend, (also a Shaman) is the one that got my acquaintance friend into it, and I think his existence merits a TV show.

Here’s the Pitch:
“Isaac the Red-Haired Shaman” would fit in perfect on NBC’s Wednesday evenings. It can be placed right in between two shows that are better, forcing people to watch it. Isaac, is in fact, a red-haired Shaman. He wears tree branches wrapped around his clothes (he really did this in person), he holds crystals to his forehead to remove headaches and other ailments (this was really done too) and he is a self-proclaimed Shaman. And his hair is dyed red (Way to be “one with nature” Isaac).

Script Exerpt:
Hey Isaac, what are you doing today?

(Isaac is sitting and reading, he is wrapped in tree branches.)


Next week on “Isaac the Red-Haired Shaman”….

(ISAAC and FRIEND are in a subway car. They are holding crystals to their foreheads.)

Spirit Animal, remove my hangover. (He waits a few seconds) It’s not working!

Let me try. (takes Crystal from FRIEND). Spirit Animal, remove my
hangover! (Waits a few seconds and stops to look at the Crystal). Hmm, must be

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