Friday, June 15, 2007

Think About Public Transportation All the Time, Even When You Don’t Need to go Anywhere and/or have your own car/bus/van/plane/Giant Carrier Pigeon

Not Obsessed with NYC Transit? Here’s Your Chance!

That’s right. Coming soon to your Ipod: Podcasts about subways and buses! This podcast, called “Transit Trax,” will feature the latest in NYC Subway news, including, but not limited to, service changes, weekly construction hot-spots, Metrocard specials, and who jumped. Intrigued? You bet.

No longer will Willams-bergers be able to say, “The L train is broken again. If only I had a Podcast that told me to expect these things!” Fear not hipsters and hipstresses, NYC is trying to make it as easy as possible to get this info in advance, (even though the L train is ALWAYS broken, and you should know that.)

But where can you learn about these magical tips and tools? The new TVs installed on the latest RI60 trains. For those of you that don’t know what the RI60 trains are, they look like every other train, only these have TVs in them. They were nothing too spectacular, just beautiful shiny screens with the usual subway jargon: “If you see something, say something” or “Don’t Run Down the Stairs” and, of course, “Look at how cool this N train is!”

Maybe this is old news and I’ve just been taking the wrong trains for the past few months. These videos of the new trains found on Youtube seem to think so.

I suppose it’s only a matter of time before more of these TVs show up, maybe even with sound and more advertisements. Maybe these new silent screens will revitalize the magic of silent movies, resurrecting a lost medium and leaving many New Yorkers cursing the inherent distraction of a moving image in a moving subway (a pick-pockets paradise). Surveys will record a record-breaking jump in the number of missed stops by passengers. Or maybe they’ll just continue to silently say, “If you see something, say something” and no one will really care all that much.

So now you can listen to podcasted news about NYC transit while you’re riding NYC Transit watching news about New York City Transit, in the hopes to eradicate poor travel decisions you'll be wishing you never made.

So let’s let public transportation consume our lives.

Next Stop? Wifi.

1 comment:

Ygal Arounian said...

That's cool but the NYC subway system is still way behind many other major cities like DC and London